Our Love for the Motherland: Patriotic Activity in ZUEL Marks 73rdNational Day


News Network (Reporter Zhuo Zhangpeng, Student Correspondent Shu Yongfang, Photographer Cui Zhenzhen) On the morning of October 1st, a patriotic activity under the theme of “Sharing the Stories of ZUELers under the National Flag” was held in Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL) to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Qin Hong, a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of ZUEL, Zhou Wei, a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of ZUEL, head of the Publicity Department of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of ZUEL and dean of School of Marxism, heads of other departments including Undergraduate Affairs Department, Postgraduate Affairs Department, and Alumni Work and Social Cooperation Department, as well as teacher and student representatives at the Nanhu Campus participated in the activity.

Members of the ZUEL National Flag Guard, in full uniform and with ceremonial rifles, marched to the flag-raising platform in high spirits. Accompanied with the majestic national anthem, all those present stood in respect, watching the national flag rise in the sunshine and flutter in the breeze.

“Thanks to the sacrifices of numerous noble-minded patriots, the first Five-Starred Red Flag was raised in China in 1949, which added a new chapter to the great history of the Chinese nation. For more than 70 years, in accordance with the Party’ s policies and the country’ s development, ZUEL has led generations of ZUELers to start great careers and pass on revolutionary spirits in China with unyielding efforts. In the new era, ZUELers will continue to shoulder the glorious mission of building a strong nation by engaging in moral education, teaching and scientific research, innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as poverty alleviation”, addressed by Qin Hong. Meanwhile, he encouraged students to be Chinese youth of the new era with determination, perseverance and kindness. On the occasion of the 20th CPC National Congress, he appealed all the students to keep their faith and improve their abilities for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Vice President Qin presented Star Alumni Award to Xu Yi, a graduate of the Undergraduate International Law Program (Class of 2006) and Postgraduate Economic Law Program (Class of 2008).

Then, under the national flag, five representatives shared inspiring stories of ZUELers on the themes of“practical work and original aspiration”, “endeavor and innovation”, “enthusiasm and tenacity”, “patriotism and dedication”, and “responsibility and perseverance”.

Zhong Kaiwei, a counselor from School of Law, shared two stories centered on practical work and original aspiration. One is abouthis own experience of leading a group of students to carry out summer social practices in their hometown, Xinxiang, Henan Province. The other is about Wu Jinyin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Tangzhuang town, Weihui city, Henan province and a revolutionary pioneer, who has settled in the grassroots position to dedicate himself to the local development for more than 60 years, setting an example of plain living and hard work. Zhong Kaiwei hoped to encourage more students to know more about national conditions and people’s well-being through grassroots work so as to grow to be promising youth of the new era with ambitions, responsibilities, perseverance and diligence.

In regard to endeavor and innovation, Li Jinlong, a postgraduate student from School of Public Administration, shared his own story. Li prepared himself for starting a business during his undergraduate years by working as an agent and participating in the innovation and entrepreneurship competitions. Later, in response to “Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Initiative”, he started his own businesses and achieved huge success. “Up to now, I have established five enterprises, two of which are recognized as high-tech enterprises. Meanwhile, I boast one invention patent, one design patent, and seven utility models. All of these generate more than 20 million yuan a year.”

Focusing on the theme of enthusiasm and tenacity, Zhang Mingyang, an undergraduate student from School of Journalism and Cultural Communication, told the story of Li Yinhui, a world champion in badminton women’ s doubles and an associate professor of Department of Physical Education in ZUEL, who has always channeled passion and perseverance in badminton. Zhang also appealed all students to remain passionately steadfast in the dreams of their youth by modeling themselves on professor Li.

Nijiati Aimaiti, a counselor from School of Business Administration, recounted his experience on the theme of patriotism and dedication. He and his team, during this summer vacation, conducted researches in Hulun Buir, a border city in Inner Mongolia in North China for higher quality of a general course, Education on the Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation. “In Hulun Buir, we have true feelings that China, as a sovereign country, indeed brings people with security and prosperity. This experience has deepened our understanding of the community of the Chinese nation,” said Nijiati Aimaiti.

With key words of responsibility and perseverance, Alumna Xu Yi talked about her working experience after graduation. Starting as a clerk, she became a judge of The First Civil Division of Hubei High People’s Court after assiduous work. In 2021, she served a temporary position in Hubei branch of PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited (PICC P&C) for wider experience. She encouraged all students to hone professional skills through vigorous and determined endeavor, so as to be high achievers in their prime.

After the story-sharing session, the activity was close to the end. Students from all ethnic groups in national costumes danced joyfully in a circle. All those present excitedly waved national flags in their hands and sang the song Ode to My Homeland, “the five-starred flag flying in my hand; songs of victory are heard all around. We sing high praise of our homeland; that is to be thriving and strong…”

Several students were interviewed after the activity. Pang Qiyuan, an undergraduate majoring in Animation from China-Korea Institute of New Media (Class of 2026), said that he was in deep admiration for these outstanding examples and determined to devote himself to the society through practice, so as to live his youth to the fullest. Peng Yige, an undergraduate fromSchool of Statistics and Mathematics (Class of 2024), also expressed his excitement of celebrating the National Day in such a meaningful way. He said that he would strive to meet the requirements for a full member of the Communist Party of China even just as a probationary member and call on more students to join the Party especially on the occasion of the Party’s 20th National Congress.

In order to strengthen patriotic education and promote the learning of the histories of the Party, New China, the reform and opening-up, and socialist development, ZUEL has held 52 patriotic activities under the national flag since September 2020, with an attendance of nearly 20,000.

The flag-raising ceremony is regularly held by all schools in rotation every Monday morning. Particularly, every National Day ZUEL organizes more than 1,000 teachers and students to take part in the ceremony and the patriotic activity. Many role models have been invited, including people who are honored as Model Civil Servants (Xu Yi), Chinese College Student of the Year (Su Zhengmin), National College Counselor of the Year (Nijiati Aimaiti) and one of the first female type 99A tankers (Zhou Gege). They expressed their love for the motherland by sharing stories, reading home letters of revolutionary martyrs, reciting poems, singing patriotic songs, preforming flash mob dances and so on.